MEANS PUTTING GOD FIRST – each day. Loving God with our whole hearts, body, mind and spirit is a matter of intention. Putting God first means thinking of God first. How are we to actually do this in practice? Her are some suggested ways of how this might become an integral part of our lives. Begin our day by thinking of God first, then consider the coming day, and how we might meet the challenges or goals in different ways, seeking insight from God, and praying for guidance as we begin. Many of us are inclined to proceed in routine tasks and only pray for help when and only we run into trouble. However when we pray before we engage in all the activities of our day, we are guided around mistakes and still learn to do each job in a better and more effective way. Developing this routine as a habit will strengthen our ties to God, and show our love and honor for God in our lives. First thing in the morning, before we are pulled into life, is the best time to begin to develop this habit. “Be still and know that I am God,” from Psalm 46 may inherently suggest it.

As Madeleine L’Engle, the author of Walking on Water says, “We live by revelation, as Christians…” and goes further to caution us, “we must be careful never to get set into rigid molds.” In other words, as we live each day, we need to keep up the connection to God, living with God, not with the patterns we think God wants us to have. Once we start second-guessing what God would have us do, we have lost contact and are off the road we are to travel. Various things can push us off that road, fear or distraction, evil influences or lack of focus. It takes only simple prayer to get us back on the road, and into communication again. “We fail in the work of grace and love when there is too much of us and not enough of God.” ― Suzanne Woods Fisher, The Search.   Transforming God, we are grateful for your constant and unconditional love for each of us. Help us develop the lines of communication you already have in place, to guide in our living. Show us how we may best love you and live our lives for you, with honor and embodied devotion.   Amen.      PEACE


WHO WILL INVITE HIM IN? Jesus pushes us to answer this question. Yesterday we looked at this from the perspective of each of us opening the door. But the passage in Revelation 3 could lead us to a different interpretation. 20 “Look! I’m standing at the door and knocking. If any hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to be with them, and will have dinner with them, and they will have dinner with me.” From the context of this passage, it is about one of the early churches, and how they were doing. So we might say, it is the church that Jesus is asking to invite him in. By extension, we might say that the church today needs to invite Jesus into the life within it. Looking first at the simplest idea of opening to a stranger and inviting them to a meal was basic and expected hospitality for the culture at the time of this writing. It would be the least one could do. So by this example, we are challenged in the church today, are we willing to do this? If a middle-eastern man came to one of our church buildings, would we even open the door, let alone put on a meal for him? How have we gotten so far from what Jesus asks of the church?

How is Jesus invited to be a part of the internal life of our local churches? Many have completely lost sight of how radical Jesus was in challenging the thoughtless ways of the culture. Fighting for the oppressed is considered much too hard to do today, and so is most of what Jesus called us to do, so it is then ignored. Centuries ago, membership in the church became a privilege, and so was excluded for those who could not meet certain standards. Once inside the gates, and protected from those less desirable, the church became a sanctuary for the entitled, not sanctuary for the troubled, endangered and unworthy. We have stories of Jesus ministering to all these sorts of people, and yet we somehow think this does not apply to us. The Lord’s Supper is not a meal of privilege, but we have made it so. The good news is that the church is being reformed by God. Those churches who have no vision for what God needs us to do are dying from within. New vision from God is inspiring and equipping others to break out of our strongholds and make a difference in the lives of those who need God’s mercy. Again pairing this passage with John 15, we might consider what this says: 22 “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what the Spirit is saying to the churches.”    Amen.      PEACE


TO NEW LIFE IN CHRIST – a door where Christ stands waiting for us. In the very front of the sanctuary in many church buildings is the famous picture of Christ at the closed door, knocking on it. The door has no knob to open it, on the side where Jesus is. The question is, who is on the other side of the door? In Revelation 3 we hear: 20 “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. 21 Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.” One interpretation is that we are the ones who might open the door. Some have further suggested that this is the door to our hearts. Whether it be our hearts or our whole selves, the Holy Spirit is the one who, having worked on our hearts, has facilitated us becoming open to Christ and all that Christ represents. The reference to sharing a meal, as friends suggests both the Communion meal, and also when Jesus calls those who love and serve God friends of his, from John 15. 12 “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. 13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. … 15b  but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.”

If we do open the door, then what? We are opening ourselves to a life with Christ. The reference in the Revelation passage to being victorious is the victory over sin and death which Jesus accomplished for us. Our lives have been redeemed and by following Jesus commandment to love each other, we are offered a place at his side, on the throne. I think of all of this each time I look at the picture, and it gives me hope. But we all have a choice to accept Jesus or not. That is why there is no knob on the door. Jesus is asking to come in, not opening the door and coming in, without being invited. It is important that we make this choice, and it a choice we keep making. Each day we invite Jesus in. A relationship takes involvement, and so it is necessary to recommit ourselves to the work of God each day, by inviting Christ inside. Then we remember what we know, and the love we share. In this way we are inspired every day, to do what Jesus asks, in gratitude born from love. If we let this happen, we will never “burn out.”    Gracious redeemer, who paid the price for us, guide us as we seek to connect to you each day. Help us open the door, and let your love and mercy flow through us to others. Help us keep the door open and connected to you and your grace, that we may continue to serve you all of our days. Amen.      PEACE


REQUIRES NEW FOOD AND NEW CLOTHING – and a new path to walk. Doing the kind of work God calls us to do requires a new life to do it. It means leaving our old life behind, and the habits we learned from the world. They are not dependable, and cannot be the structure of our new life. Practically speaking this is going to happen over a period of time, but having our lives transformed by God requires us to be willing to give up old things that will hold us back from living a new life for God. As we grow in our relationship and understanding of what that new life will be, our attitudes will change. It may be as if we had gained or lost a lot of weight and our old clothes just do not fit anymore. This is not about buying a new wardrobe, but being aware of how we are changing, and not resisting what God is leading us to do. When we give ourselves to God, we will want to change our habits. Ephesians 4 helps us picture this: 23 “Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.”

As God transforms us, we will want new food to help nourish our new selves. Becoming more familiar with the Bible, and the stories of how God has changed the lives of people in the past will help us understand what new things are happening within us, in order to recognize similar things within ourselves, and be convinced of how God is changing us. The Holy Spirit resides within us, and habits like meditation and prayer strengthen the understanding of how this is working in us. These habits are a way of responding dynamically to the Spirit, interacting and strengthening our communication. This is a give and take relationship. In prayer and meditation we can receive knowledge and understanding, but also ask for clarification, and deeper understanding so things make sense to us. Ephesians 4 ends with this: 31 “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”  In prayer, we will be given the nourishment to accomplish all of the above. We will not be able to do any of this ourselves. God has designed it this way.   O loving God, who cares for us so completely that we are forgiven any acts of wrong. Help us take on new clothing, and a new face to show the world how much you love all your children. Guide us to seek new food, that we may be shown how to live this new life you offer us all. Let us share this food with others we encounter who are seeking new life. Dissolve our fear that stops us so we may be transformed into new beings, willing to walk a new path for your sake.    Amen.      PEACE


IS AN EXCITING, DYNAMIC AND FULFILLING EXPERIENCE – that gives new meaning and direction to our lives. Living our lives for God, committing ourselves to do God’s work are a part of our lives being transformed by God. There comes a point in our lives, when we have said we believe, and have read about what the Bible says God is calling us to do, that we are inspired to do things for God. In Matthew 12 Jesus helps us understand the kind of relationship we will be in, when we do God’s will:  50 “Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother!” When we are in close enough touch with God – to do the work God calls us to do – we come into a close and loving relationship, as if we were in Jesus own family of origin, his very household. This means we will be loved with the utmost care and concern, nourishing us in all the ways we will need to go out and get some work done successfully. When we take that leap of faith, and step out into the world to do a specific job for God, we take with us tools and resources for that work, and a guide, the Holy Spirit, to help us accomplish whatever the job is.

Looking at the church through the lens of this understanding, we can begin to see how dynamic the function of the church could be. It could be a crucible, where those who understand their lives as living out God’s work would support one another, and where possible would work together toward common goals. Many churches see themselves as families, but never get to the goal for which they were created. Just like the manna that rotted when it was hoarded, the church will decay from within without the vision that it exists to do God’s will, and support those who are engaged in that work. Everything that a local church does should exist to do God’s work directly or indirectly. If there are other activities, they may need to be prayed about, to discern God’s will, and see if they have a place in God’s work. It may be that there are activities which someone once saw in that light, but have strayed from that direction over time. Through prayer and guidance from the Holy Spirit, those activities might be reclaimed for God and take on new life, and a dynamic new direction.   Mighty God, who calls us to live our lives doing your work, help us see what direction you have given us. Guide us to work with others and bring others into this work, so we may multiply the results you seek. We know we are not made to do this on our own, but you will give us what is needed to accomplish what you need us to do.    Amen.      PEACE


SO WHY DON’T WE LOVE OURSELVES – if God loves us? In Matthew 22, Jesus directs us, “‘love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” In this passage, we seem to hear the command to love God and to love neighbor, but we have trouble with the rest of it. Verse 39 says ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ So the question is – how are we going to love our neighbor if we cannot love ourselves? This is one of those places in the Bible, where there can be no doubt what God through Jesus is saying and expecting of us, because there are so many places it is said. Why should we love ourselves? God created us and loves us, unconditionally. If that is true, then how is it that we can’t love ourselves as God does?

Many of us in this world have not had the experience of unconditional love from our parents or others in our family. There has been a lot of research done on this situation because it makes a great deal of difference in how happy we are as adults, and how productive we can be in our society. Because of this last factor, people who are not able to be happy and productive can affect the whole culture. It is not what God wants for anyone. We were created from God’s love, and as the saying goes, “God doesn’t make junk.” So it becomes very important for us to put away our bad experiences with love, and actively ignore the doubt others keep expressing. We need to believe the multiple places in the Bible where we are told about God’s love for us, all of us. When we can do this, with the help of the Holy Spirit and prayer, we can begin to love ourselves. God wants us to love the creation of ourselves that came from love. It will only be then, that we can fully love others, when we understand what power love carries with it. Feeling loved by God, changes the way we will look at each other. It will give us a different view of what others are like. This is the only way we can truly pass on the love of God we have received and follow the great commandment.   O loving God, we are humbled by the unconditional love we have been given. Help us feel what this is like, and then pass it on to others in the way we treat your other children we encounter. Through the feedback of love, give us encouragement to use this love to minister to those around us, using even prayer to project your love toward your other children.  Amen.      PEACE


FOR MANY PURPOSES – and to answer our many needs. We don’t always recognize when we are given the opportunity to use prayer. It is our primary way to communicate with God: the Father, Jesus our redeemer, and the Holy Spirit, our comforter and advocate. We can utilize prayer in many ways from a stream of consciousness, like the Practice of the Presence of God, to specific prayers. Those specific prayers may be about one or more particular concerns. But prayers may be said as general acts of praise and love for God. These may lead us to become closer to blending our own consciousness with God. At specific times in our day, or on specific occasions during our day, we may pray for the gift of food at each meal, or at night for the day’s blessings we were given. Jesus tells his disciples in John 14, “13 I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.” Then we have to ask, how far does this go?

Prayer is not an open invitation to get anything we want, like children who don’t know any differently. Prayer is in support of God’s purposes and in support of all we may do for God. Prayer is also in support a process where we come to understand all the ideas and challenges we face. When we are trying to puzzle out something that we want to understand, prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit will bring us to a point of realizing what we can do in the strength God gives us, to solve a problem, or figure out a dilemma. Every time I hear someone say, “Oh I don’t know,” I think “that is a perfect time for prayer.” We will never understand everything, but we can ask for understanding and direction through prayer. Every time we are uncertain how to proceed is the perfect time to pray for guidance and direction. It may not come as clearly as a yellow line down the road we are to travel, but direction will come.   O Jesus, who promised to hear all our prayers, and answer them, we are grateful. Help us find new occasions for prayer, that we may come closer to knowing how to respond to God and others with love and understanding. Draw us closer to you, and teach us how to pray more naturally, for the guidance we need.   Amen.       PEACE


OUR PERSPECTIVE – and directs our minds in new directions. Eleanor Roosevelt must have known how God works by providing us with what we need every day. She said, “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” In Exodus 16, we hear the story of how God provided manna for the Israelites for forty years, “’in the morning you shall have your fill of bread; then you shall know that I am the Lord your God.’” In the same way that manna was provided, we are given what we need for each of our days, and according to what God needs us to do each day. Not only does God answer the questions in Matthew 6 about “what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear,” but God, who “cares for the lilies of the field and the birds of the air,” also supports us entirely when we “strive first for the kingdom of God and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” All this means that God will supply the basic physical needs we all have, and all the resources to do our work for the kingdom. So when we have our heart committed to working for God’s kingdom, we will also get all the tools we will need to do each job that God puts in our path.

Each new day brings new chances to love as God would direct us. When we are connected to God, new ideas will come into our minds, and perhaps keep coming until we take them seriously. We may be distracted by something and it will take some time for us to hear what God is calling us to do. But whenever and however we start to listen, as we accept whatever we are to do, we will also find the tools we need to do the job. Just as the people of Israel had to show God how they trusted the manna would be there when it was needed, we have to take the first step in faith. Then we will begin to learn about how God wants us to proceed, and realize what God has provided for us to do the work.   Loving God, you provide for our every need, and more. You give us guidance and loving support to do the work in the world, to advance the kingdom. We thank you for all of this, and ask for your continuing love and support so we may love and serve you and all those you have created and love.   Amen.      PEACE

  Eleanor Roosevelt quote  New Day



AND PRAYER ARE THE MAJOR WEAPONS – we have to live the life we were each created for. God has in mind a confident and joyful life, where we walk each day in the light of God’s love, know we are forgiven, and guided in what we are to specifically do for God’s kingdom and others around us. The stone in the path is we are not able to do this by ourselves, without God in a close relationship. So how are we going to get to the point of a life like this? God is the answer, and prayer is the vehicle that will take us there. There are many of life’s problems that don’t seem to have a solution, until we pray about them to God. When we start looking at all our problems through God’s eyes in pray we will be happier and more successful. There is nothing too small to take to God, if we expect to live a joyful and productive life. Problems either big or small act like stones or boulders in our path, making it hard to get things accomplished. Left unattended, problems can grow and become bigger barriers to getting through the problems. That is when we will be forced to stop and seek help beyond ourselves. It is never too late or the problem too big to take to God in prayer.

We ourselves may sometimes create those barriers because we think we are not worthy of God’s attention. We are having trouble forgiving ourselves or we do not understand the extent of God’s love and forgiveness. For those of us who have not experienced unconditional love, it may be harder to believe that God could love us. Isaiah 43 helps us, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. 2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” God is the one who created us, and God forgives us, because God does not want us to be stopped by our mistakes. 25 “I, I am God who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.” God has reasons to blot out the mistakes we make. If we trust this then we are freed to live a life more fully embracing all the blessings God bestows on all of us. Each day, it is these kinds of choices we make: to trust what God has said and begin to build confidence in what God will help us do, through prayer. Whenever we have a question of how to proceed, pray and we will be given the guidance to choose the way to go. We will be building confidence in ourselves and a relationship of trust in God. O God of unconditional love, we are grateful for this immense blessing. Thank you for claiming us as your own, and teach us to think of ourselves as your precious child. Guide us as we live each day beyond what we think is possible, and give us a vision of the way the world can be. Help us know that you want us to be part of helping this vision come to be.   Amen.       PEACE